▼NBovender | |
►NExceptionHandler | |
CCentralHandler | This static class implements central exception management. |
CExceptionSubmissionException | |
CExceptionViewModel | Provides easy access to several system properties that are relevant for bug reports. |
CManageExceptionEventArgs | |
CUnexpectedResponseException | |
CUnhandledException | |
CUploadFailedEventArgs | |
►NExtensions | |
CArrayExtensions | Extensions methods for arrays. |
CObjectExtensions | |
CStringExtensions | |
CWindowExtensions | Extension methods for the WPF Window class. |
►NHtmlFiles | |
CHtmlFileViewModel | View model for a HTML file. |
►NMvvm | |
►NActions | |
CChooseFileOpenAction | Lets the user choose a file name for opening a file. |
CChooseFileSaveAction | Lets the user choose a file name for saving a file. |
CChooseFolderAction | MVVM action that queries the user for a folder. |
CConfirmationAction | Provides an action to confirm or cancel a message. Adds a CancelButtonLabel to the NotificationAction base class and creates a ConfirmationView rather than a NotificationView. |
CFileDialogActionBase | Base class for actions that use dialogs based on System.Windows.Forms.FileDialog. |
CFileFolderActionBase | Abstract base class for the ChooseFileSaveAction and ChooseFolderAction classes. |
CMessageActionBase | Abstract base class for MVVM messaging actions. Derived classes must implement a CreateView method that returns a view for the view model that is expected to be received as a message content. |
CMessageActionExtensions | |
CNonUiTrigger | A trigger that may be invoked from code. |
CNotificationAction | Opens a generic WPF dialog window that displays a message and has a single OK button. The message string can include parameters. |
CProcessAction | Invokes a process view and injects the ProcessMessageContent as a view model into it. |
CProcessCompletedAction | Abstract WPF action that invokes different views depending on the status of a completed process. |
CShowViewAction | Injects a view with a view model that is referenced in a ViewModelMessageContent, and shows the view non-modally. |
CShowViewDialogAction | Injects a view with a view model that is referenced in a ViewModelMessageContent, and shows the view modally. |
►NConverters | |
CBooleanNegationConverter | Negates a boolean value. |
CEnumBooleanConverter | Converts enum values to booleans to enable easy use of enumerations with WPF radio buttons. |
CSimpleExceptionConverter | WPF converter that produces a simple text string from an exception. |
CVisibilityBooleanConverter | |
►NMessaging | |
CFileNameMessageContent | |
CIMessage | Defines a Sent event that consumers of a view model can subscribe to in order to listen to the view model's message. |
CMessage | Conveys a message from a view model to a consumer (typically, a view) that has subscribed to the Sent event. |
CMessageArgs | |
CMessageContent | Simple object that encapsulates a boolean value; to be used in MVVM interaction with MessageArgs. |
CProcessMessageContent | Holds information about percent completion of a process and defines events that occur when the process is finished. This message can optionally carry a view model with additional events and capabilities. |
CStringMessageContent | Encapsulates a string message that is part of the content that a view model sends to a consumer (view, test, ...) in a Message. |
CViewModelMessageContent | Message content that holds a reference to a view model. |
►NViewModels | |
CEnumViewModel | View model for enum members. This class is used internally by the EnumProvider. For specific purposes, the a new class based on EnumProvider should be created. The EnumViewModel class is sealed and cannot be inherited from. |
CViewModelBase | |
CViewModelCollection | Collection of view models that automatically syncs with an associated collection of model objects. |
►NViews | |
►NSettings | |
CWindowSettings | |
CWindowState | Provides an attached property to enable Windows to save and restore their screen position and state. |
CConfirmationView | Interaction logic for ConfirmationView.xaml |
CNotificationView | Interaction logic for NotificationView.xaml |
CProcessView | Interaction logic for ProcessView.xaml |
CBindingWebBrowser | Provides attached properties to facilitate data binding of a WebBrowser control. |
CDelegatingCommand | Command that implements ICommand and accepts delegates that contain the command implementation. |
CEnumProvider | Facilitates WPF data binding to enums by providing an enumeration of Choices, read/write access to a string representation (which may be localized in derived classes), and the type-safe enum value itself. |
►NText | |
CMultiline | Represents a text with multiple lines. As lines are added, line breaks are removed as appropriate. |
►NUnmanaged | |
CDllLoadingFailedException | |
CDllManager | Manages unmanaged DLLs. Unloads any loaded DLLs upon disposal. |
CDllNotFoundException | |
CDllSha1MismatchException | |
CPinvoke | Wrappers for Win32 API calls. |
►NUserSettings | |
CUserSettingsBase | Base class for persistent settings; a replacement for the UserSettings.UserSettingsBase system which has a couple of quirks and whose files are hard to find, read, and write by humans. |
CUserSettingsExceptionViewModel | General view model for user settings-related exceptions. |
CUserSettingsViewModel | General view model for UserSettings objects. |
►NVersioning | |
CDownloadCorruptException | |
CInvalidVersionStringException | |
CSemanticVersion | Class that handles semantic versioning. |
CUpdater | Fetches version information from the internet and raises an UpdateAvailable event if a new version is available for download. |
CUpdaterViewModel | Acts as a view model for the Updater class which is concerned with fetching version information and downloading the update. The view model implements related interactivity. |
CCommonHelpers | |
CFileHelpers | |
CPathHelpers | |
CWin32Window | Provides access to the window handle of a WPF window or a Form or a custom handle. |
CWpfHelpers | |
▼NXamlGeneratedNamespace | |
CGeneratedInternalTypeHelper | GeneratedInternalTypeHelper |
▼NXLToolbox | |
►NAbout | |
CAboutView | Interaction logic for AboutView.xaml |
CAboutViewModel | |
►NBackup | |
CBackupFailedView | Interaction logic for BackupFailedView.xaml |
CBackupFailedViewModel | |
CBackupFile | Represents a backup file with a date stamp in the file name. |
CBackupFilesCollection | |
CBackupFileViewModel | |
CBackups | Represents a collection of backups for a given file. |
CBackupsDisclaimer | Interaction logic for BackupsDisclaimer.xaml |
CBackupsView | Interaction logic for BackupsView.xaml |
CBackupsViewModel | |
CTimeStamp | Defines a time stamp for use in file names. |
►NCsv | |
CCsvExporter | |
CCsvExportView | Interaction logic for CsvExportView.xaml |
CCsvExportViewModel | |
CCsvFileBase | Provides import/export settings and methods for CSV files. |
CCsvFileView | CsvFileView |
CCsvImporter | |
CCsvImportView | Interaction logic for CsvImportView.xaml |
CCsvImportViewModel | |
CCsvSettings | |
►NExcel | |
►NExtensions | |
CWorkbookExtension | |
►NModels | |
CColumnHelper | Helper class to facilitate handling of column addresses. |
CRangeHelperBase | Base class for the helper classes RowHelper and RangeHelper |
CReference | View model for Excel ranges. |
CRowHelper | Helper class to facilitate handling of row addresses. |
CWorkbookProperty | |
►NViewModels | |
CChartViewModel | |
CInstance | Provide access to an instance of Excel that the components are to work with. |
CInstanceShutdownEventArgs | |
CInvalidSheetNameException | |
CSelectionChangedEventArgs | Event args for the SelectionChanged event of the SelectionViewModel class. |
CSelectionViewModel | View model for the current selection of a running Excel instance. Note that the selection wrapped by this view model always reflects the current selection of the Excel application; it is not fixed. |
CSheetViewModel | A view model for Excel sheets (worksheets, charts). |
CWorkbookViewModel | View model for an Excel workbook containing a list of sheets (worksheets, charts) that can be managed (moved around, added, deleted, renamed). |
►NViews | |
CPropertiesView | Interaction logic for PropertiesView.xaml |
CQuitView | Interaction logic for QuitView.xaml |
CCopyException | |
CExcelException | |
►NExceptionHandler | |
CExceptionDetailView | Interaction logic for ExceptionDetailView.xaml |
CExceptionView | Interaction logic for ExceptionView.xaml |
CExceptionViewModel | |
CSubmissionCompletedAction | WPF action that is invoked when the exception report submission process is completed. |
CSubmissionFailureView | Interaction logic for SubmissionFailureView.xaml |
CSubmissionProcessAction | |
CSubmissionProcessView | Interaction logic for SubmissionProcessView.xaml |
CSubmissionSuccessView | Interaction logic for SubmissionSuccessView.xaml |
CTestException | |
►NExport | |
►NLcms | |
CcmsColorSpaceSignatureExtension | |
CConstants | |
►NModels | |
CBatchExportSettings | Holds settings for a specific batch export process. |
CBitmapCreatedEventArgs | |
CColorSpaceExtensions | |
CFileTypeExtensions | |
CPreset | Model for graphic export settings. |
CPresetsRepository | Repository for export settings, is concerned with storing and retrieving a collection of Presets. |
CSettings | Holds settings for a particular graphic export process, including dimensions of the resulting graphic. |
CSingleExportSettings | Holds settings for a specific single export process. |
CStoreException | |
CTiledBitmap | A tile of a bitmap. |
CUnitsExtensions | |
►NViewModels | |
CBatchExportSettingsViewModel | View model for the Settings class. |
CColorProfileRepositoryViewModel | View model for a color profile repository, i.e. the collection of color profiles installed on the system. |
CColorProfileViewModel | View model for an ICS color profile. |
CColorSpaceProvider | |
CPresetsRepositoryViewModel | View model for an export settings repository. |
CPresetViewModel | View model for graphic export settings. |
CPresetViewModelCollection | |
CScreenshotExporterViewModel | View model for the ScreenshotExporter class. Provides commands in accordance with the MVVM pattern used by Bovender. |
CSettingsViewModelBase | Abstract base class for the SingleExportSettingsViewModel and BatchExportSettingsViewModel classes. |
CSingleExportSettingsViewModel | View model for the Settings class. |
CTransparencyProvider | |
►NViews | |
CBatchExportSettingsView | Interaction logic for SingleExportSettingsView.xaml |
CPresetsRepositoryView | Interaction logic for PresetsRepositoryView.xaml |
CSingleExportSettingsView | Interaction logic for SingleExportSettingsView.xaml |
CBatchExporter | |
CDibBitmap | Provides access to a System.Drawing.Bitmap that is created from a DIB. |
CExporter | Provides methods to export the current selection from Excel. |
CExportFileName | Generates file names to use with for graphics export. |
CIExporter | |
CQuickExporter | Provides user-entry points for the 'quick' export functions that re-use previously used settings. |
CScreenshotExporter | Exports graphical data in screenshot quality to a file. |
CTileException | |
CWorkingClipboard | Replacement for the Sysem.Windows.Clipboard class that provides Metafile-related functions that actually work. Uses Windows P/Invoke! |
CWorkingClipboardException | |
►NGreeter | |
CGreeterView | Interaction logic for GreeterView.xaml |
CGreeterViewModel | View model for the greeter screen. |
►NHelpSystem | |
CProvider | |
►NKeyboard | |
CManager | Manages keyboard shortcuts. |
CManagerView | Interaction logic for ManagerView.xaml |
CManagerViewModel | |
CShortcut | Keyboard shortcut for a XL Toolbox command. |
CShortcutView | Interaction logic for ShortcutView.xaml |
CShortcutViewModel | |
CShortcutViewModelCollection | |
►NLegacy | |
CLegacyToolbox | |
CUnhandledLegacyException | |
►NLogging | |
CIncompleteShutdownLoggingDisabled | Interaction logic for IncompleteShutdownLoggingDisabled.xaml |
CIncompleteShutdownLoggingEnabled | Interaction logic for IncompleteShutdownLoggingEnabled.xaml |
CLogFile | Provides logging to file and to the debug console; wraps NLog configuration and targets. |
CLogFileViewModel | |
►NMvvm | |
►NActions | |
CChooseFolderAction | WPF action that displays a folder picker dialog and returns the chosen folder in the string Value field of a StringMessageContent. |
CShowHtmlAction | |
CStringMessageAction | |
►NViews | |
CHtmlFileView | Interaction logic for HtmlFileView.xaml |
CStringMessageContentView | Interaction logic for StringMessageContentView.xaml |
CUserSettingsExceptionView | Interaction logic for UserSettingsExceptionView.xaml |
►NProperties | |
CSettings | |
►NSheetManager | |
CSheetManagerControl | SheetManagerControl |
CSheetManagerEventArgs | |
CSheetManagerTaskPane | |
CSheetManagerWindow | SheetManagerWindow |
CTaskPaneManager | Singleton class that handles the Worksheet Manager task pane. |
CTaskPaneManagerEventArgs | |
►NTest | |
►NBackup | |
CBackupFileTest | |
CBackupsTest | |
CTimeStampTest | |
►NCsv | |
CCsvFileTest | |
►NExcel | |
CColumnHelperTest | |
CInstanceTest | |
CReferenceTest | |
CRowHelperTest | |
CSheetViewModelTest | Unit tests for the XLToolbox.Core.Excel namespace. |
CWorkbookViewModelTest | Unit tests for the XLToolbox.Core.Excel namespace. |
►NExport | |
CBatchExportSettingsViewModelTest | |
CColorProfileRepositoryViewModelTest | |
CExporterTest | |
CPresetTest | |
CScreenShotExporterTest | |
►NKeyboard | |
CManagerTest | |
CShortcutTest | |
►NWorkbookStorage | |
CClassForTesting | |
CStoreTest | |
CHelpers | |
CJumperTest | |
►NUnitTests | |
►NExcel | |
CSelectionViewModelTest | |
►NExport | |
CExportFileNameTest | |
CPresetsRepositoryTest | |
CPresetsRepositoryViewModelTest | |
CPresetsViewModelTest | |
CSingleExportSettingsViewModelTest | |
CUnitTest | Unit tests for the Unit class. |
►NUserSettings | |
CUserSettings | XL Toolbox user settings. Should be used as singleton. |
CUserSettingsView | UserSettingsView |
CUserSettingsViewModel | |
►NVba | |
CApi | Exposes some of the XL Toolbox features to external programs, such as VBA code. |
CIApi | |
CVbaException | Exception that is raised when VBA code calls the XLToolbox.Vba.Api.ShowException method. |
CVbaExceptionView | VbaExceptionView |
CVbaExceptionViewModel | |
►NVersioning | |
CInstallUpdateView | InstallUpdateView |
CNotAuthorizedForUpdateView | NotAuthorizedForUpdateView |
CReleaseInfo | |
CReleaseInfoViewModel | |
CSemanticVersion | |
CUpdateAvailableView | UpdateAvailableView |
CUpdater | |
CUpdaterProcessView | UpdaterProcessView |
CUpdaterViewModel | |
►NWorkbookStorage | |
CEmptyKeyException | |
CInvalidContextException | |
CStore | Stores stuff (strings, ints, objects) in a very hidden worksheet of a workbook, and retrieves stuff from it. The store supports 'namespaces' where a worksheet can be used as a 'context', i.e. namespace. Empty context constitutes a global namespace. Uses a cache that is automatically written to the worksheet when finalizing. |
CUndefinedContextException | |
CUnkownKeyException | |
CWorkbookStorageException | |
CCmmandExtensions | |
CDispatcher | Central dispatcher for all UI-initiated XL Toolbox commands. |
CGlobals | |
CJumper | |
CStrings | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. |
CWindowDownloadUpdate | WindowDownloadUpdate |
▼NXLToolboxForExcel | |
CRibbon | |
CSplash | Splash |
CThisAddIn | |